If you’re anything like me and love the Tombow Fudenosuke brush pens, you’re in for a treat. Tombow just released a new set of PASTEL Fudenosuke brush pens.
Watch me “Unenvelope” The Brush Pens
I purchased these pens as a part of the Tombow VIP Club. It includes the Tombow Fudenosuke pastel brush markers, a black notepad, a set of black Tombow Fudenosuke (hard and soft), and a bonus glue stick. Thanks, Tombow!
6 Tombow Fudenosuke Pastel Soft Tip Brush Pens
In the package, there are six colors (white, green, yellow, blue, purple, and pink). In the above video, I write several words on white paper and several words on black paper.
4 Things I Love About the Tombow Fudenosuke Pastel Brush Pens
First, I love that Tombow created this pack. That may seem obvious, but, I love having six more colors to be able to write with my favorites small brush pen.
Second, I love the colors and that they show up on both white and black paper. The pastel yellow and white are clearly not easy to see on white paper, but that’s to be expected. When using the brush pens on black paper, you’ll want to layer the ink. Don’t get discouraged if at first the ink doesn’t appear. Watch what happens to me as I write the words boo, scary, spider, bat, broom, and cat. It’s almost like magic ink – the text appears as the ink dries.
Third, while I tend to lean toward the hard tip brush pen, these soft tips are juicy and easy in my hand.
Finally, I love that a familiar brush pen now has more colors. Thank you, Tombow!
2 Things I Wish Were Different
You’ve probably already figured out one of the things I wish was different. First, I wish these were hard-tip pens. I will always pick up the hard tip first. Absolutely not a deal breaker to use these pens. It’s truly a wish! The second thing I wish was different is I wish they showed up on black paper without layering. Again, not a deal breaker.
The six Tombow Fudenosuke soft tip pastel brush pens with layering on black paper, you can get a nice effect. After a couple of layers of the pens, you can see that on black paper, the colors show up much better. So that’s a plus, knowing that if you go over it twice, you can see it better. So I can see these being used, as I said before, for decorating something for children or when spring comes and you want to do flowers.
I think I’ll probably be using these on the black paper since I am publishing this in October.
Cost of Tombow Fudenosuke Pastel Brush Pens
As I’m doing this review, you can find these pens on the TombowUsa.com website. They’re currently $17.49, but there is a coupon that is now happening right now for 30% off, and that coupon code is PASTEL. They don’t seem to be available on Amazon just yet.
So if you’re watching this afterward, I can’t promise that that code will be available. But if you’d like to try out a new Tombow Fudenosuke Pastel Brush Pens, head over to the Tombow website and I’ll leave all of that on the show notes page over on my website@curiouscreative.co.
I hope you have a wonderful week of being curious and getting creative.