Welcome, Creatives!

I’m so excited you’re ready to explore your strengths and how they can help you on your creative journey.

In this 21 page guide, you’ll find the following:

  • An Overview of CliftonStrengths
  • Bring/Need statements for all 34 strengths
  • Guidance for creatives for all 34 strengths
  • Action Steps to incorporate strengths into your creative practice.
  • If you need to take the assessment head over to gallup.com for the quickest access.

If there are ways I can be helpful to you, please reach out. I love helping other creatives leverage their strengths and claim what is good, right, and beautiful about you. I don’t know a person on this planet who doesn’t need an occasional reminder of their unique talents.

I’d be honored to help you debrief your CliftonStrengths report, take action on leveraging your strengths, or do a team session. If you simply have a question, I welcome it.

Cheering you on in your creative journey,


Sara Thomas Curious Creative

Five Clues to Talent

Here are five questions that give you clues to your talents. I sometimes call them your superpowers. These superpowers point to your talents.
To what kinds of activities are you naturally drawn?
What kinds of activities do you seem to pick up quickly?
In what activities did you automatically know the steps to be taken?
During what activities have you had moments of subconscious excellence when you thought, “How did I do that?”
What activities give you a kick, either while doing them or
immediately after finishing them, and you think, “When can I do that again?”

You’ve just jumpstarted your strengths-based journey by considering these questions. Now, head over to Gallup  to take the CliftonStrengths Assessment. Once you do, the companion guide above will help you nurture your creative journey. 

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